The speed limit in Regina’s Cathedral neighbourhood will be lowered to 40 kilometres per hour after city council voted in favour of the reduction Wednesday afternoon. That will also include 13th Avenue, which will be the longest stretch of road affected by the change. Those in the community have witnessed some dangers drivers in an area that sees significant foot traffic have brought. Henry Grzeda is a co owner of Elle’s Café and said the reduced speed limit will be welcomed by many. “We’ve been here for four years now and we spend a lot of time looking at the street,” Grezda said. “I’ve seen so many crazy things from kids to even elderly people, and its people speeding, people kind of suicide passing each other and it can be a lot of crazy stuff.” he added. The decision comes after two pedestrian deaths took place in the neighbourhood in 2023, in addition to advocacy from those in the community. “I think that it would be a positive thing, we have seen two deaths here in the past year in a half, maybe two years and if we could just do any little thing to change that, I’m for it” Grzeda said. The decision by city council is part of the Vision Zero Road Safety Framework, which means that the street will be designated as a “Community Safety Zone”. The original recommendation was to reduce the speed limit to 30 kilometres per hour, however, after much back and forth between members of council, they settled on 40. “I don’t want anyone to get in a car accident, I don’t want anyone to get hit and I just don’t want to see any problems on such a lively beautiful street with such an amazing community.” Grzeda said.